
How To Write A Disclaimer For A Fitness Blog

Medical disclaimers help reduce legal liabilities for websites that have content related to healthcare, medical practices, or fitness. A medical disclaimer declares that your site content is for informational purposes only, and should not be taken as professional medical advice.

This article will explain what a medical disclaimer is, provide medical disclaimer examples, and teach you how to write a medical disclaimer for your website.

Table of Contents
  1. What Is a Medical Disclaimer?
  2. Medical Disclaimer vs. Health Disclaimer
  3. Medical Disclaimer Examples
  4. How to Write a Medical Disclaimer

What Is a Medical Disclaimer?

A medical disclaimer is a statement declaring that the content on your site is for informational or educational purposes only, and does not substitute professional medical advice or consultations with healthcare professionals.

A medical disclaimer warns users that reliance on or use of the information on the website is at their own risk.

Medical disclaimers are used to help reduce legal liabilities in case your content directly or indirectly causes harm to readers. A clearly written medical disclaimer can also help readers make more informed judgments about your content.

There are also different types of medical disclaimers that address specific healthcare liabilities. Some types of medical disclaimer include:

  • Medical advice disclaimers
  • Health disclaimers
  • Confidential email health disclaimers
  • "I am not a doctor" disclaimers
  • Medical disclaimer for fitness programs

Medical Disclaimer vs. Health Disclaimer

Although medical disclaimers and health disclaimers are similar, one might be better for your site, depending on whether your content is more related to health or medical practices.

Medical disclaimers are used when the site content may be mistaken for medical advice, whereas health disclaimers are used when the advice or recommendations on the site may lead to potential health risks.

Medical disclaimers are commonly found on the websites of:

  • Hospitals
  • pharmaceutical companies
  • healthcare organizations

Health disclaimers are often featured on:

  • health blogs
  • gym websites
  • fitness program websites.

Medical Disclaimer Examples

Medical disclaimers vary in their level of detail across different types of healthcare websites. In addition to stating that a site does not offer medical advice, a medical disclaimer may include other organization or site-specific details or suggest resources for users seeking medical advice.

To better understand how medical disclaimers work, let's go over several medical disclaimer examples from organizations and businesses in the healthcare industry.

Medical Advice Disclaimer

Axia Women's Health has a medical advice disclaimer stating that the site content is provided for informational purposes only, and does not intend to substitute professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

Axia's medical advice disclaimer example

If your site includes any information that may be misconstrued as medical advice, add a medical advice disclaimer like the example above to clarify that your site content is purely informational.

Like in the example medical disclaimer, you can also direct readers to seek medical advice from qualified healthcare professionals, such as physicians or medical specialists.

"I Am Not a Doctor" Disclaimer

Sleep and Wellness Coach's website includes an "I am not a doctor" disclaimer, which clearly states that the site owner is not a doctor or any kind of medical professional. It specifies that the site content only pertains to sleep-related issues, and does not constitute any professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

Sleep and Wellness "I am not a doctor" disclaimer example

If you create content related to healthcare or medicine but don't directly work in the field yourself, add an "I am not a doctor" disclaimer as this website does, so users can properly judge the credibility of the information.

Medical Disclaimer for Blog

Nursing blog Tips From Tori includes a medical disclaimer declaring that the site information is for educational and informational purposes only, and does not constitute medical advice. It also specifies that use of the site content does not establish any patient-client relationships.

Tips from Tori blog medical disclaimer example

In the example above, even though the site owner is a nurse by profession, adding a medical disclaimer reduces her liabilities for any potential issues arising from the use of her content.

It's important to advise readers not to solely rely on the information provided on the site and seek consultations from healthcare professionals to receive personalized advice or treatment.

Medical Disclaimer for Fitness Programs

Because fitness and exercise programs can also impact users' health, medical disclaimers can often be found on fitness websites.

For example, personal trainer Christina Carlyle includes a medical disclaimer on her website, stating that fitness programs and other site content are intended for informational and educational purposes only.

The disclaimer advises users to consult a physician before starting any fitness programs, and warns users of the potential risks in participating in these programs, especially for those with existing health conditions.

Christina Carlyle fitness program disclaimer example

If you offer fitness programs, include a medical disclaimer like the example above, and tell users to follow the advice of their healthcare providers before starting any exercise programs.

How to Write a Medical Disclaimer

To write a standard medical disclaimer, you need to do the following:

  1. Explicitly state that the information provided on the site is for educational purposes only, and does not substitute for professional medical advice.
  2. Advise users to consult a medical professional or healthcare provider if they're seeking medical advice, diagnoses, or treatment.
  3. Make it clear to users that you are not liable for risks or issues associated with using or acting upon the information on your site.
  4. Post the disclaimer in visible places on your website and near related content.

If applicable, clarify that using your site or app does not establish any doctor-patient relationships.

Customize a disclaimer template with all information related to your medical or health disclaimers and other liabilities on your website. Add this comprehensive disclaimer to a page on your site, then link to that page in places like your website footer.

If you don't want to customize a template, you can also use our disclaimer generator to create a full disclaimer page for free.

By adding a medical disclaimer to your site, you're reducing your legal liabilities and encouraging users to make informed decisions about their health.

How To Write A Disclaimer For A Fitness Blog


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